
Aurifluff: Nico the Floof & Long Nico (VRChat Avatars)

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Aurifluff: Nico the Floof & Long Nico (VRChat Avatars)

46 ratings

Two cute furry avatars for VRChat. Medium performance, set up for physbones, and FBT proportioned. No particular gender.

Nico the Floof is a small feathery floofy bean, and is very good for cuddles, adventure, clubbing, and dancing.

Long Nico is a taller, slimmer version of Nico with more humanlike hands instead of paws.

New V2 Update! Long Nico, New Gestures, and 15 Ear Style/Pose Options


Smol and long versions

Medium Performance!

3 Toggleable Gesture Sets:

  • Expressive Gestures: Includes ear movements for each expression (can be toggled off), and has more advanced and emotionally expressive gestures using gesture combinations. Includes optimized gesture setup for index, oculus, and both.
  • Original (open eyes, fierce eyes, blep, blush, suprised, closed eyes)
  • Minimal (open eyes, closed eyes)

Advanced Hold Gestures (Optional)

  • Hold gestures for a few seconds to unsheathe or retract your claws, or engage sleep/headpat mode

15 Ear Style/Pose Options

  • Default, Gesture Controlled, Perk, Side Style, Lop, Heart, Mohawk, Shark, Horns, Streamlined, Cover Eyes, Folded, Fully Out, Helicopter Static, and Helicopter Animated

Wings Toggle & scaling slider for the wing tips

Rave Paint with Audiolink Emissions & Hue Shift

Face Tracking!

See your ears in first person view! Nice and immersive if someone pulls them in front of you.

GogoLoco with In-Game Scaling

4 Accessory Toggles:

  • Hoodie
  • Shorts
  • Leg Warmers
  • Scarf

Body Customization:

  • Fem chest slider
  • Hip thickness slider
  • Claws in/out


  • Hue shift
  • Emission hue shift & white option
  • Dark fur slider (including black and white version)
  • Dark mode clothing toggles

Tail Pose Menu

Floof toggles:

  • Hand floof
  • Hip floof
  • Leg Floof
  • Neck floof
  • Arm floof

Floor Collider Toggle for Tail

Lighting Menu:

  • Radial menu for emission brightness
  • Radial menu for avatar lighting - adjust your brightness to fit the world, even when the world lighting isn't great
  • Reset button for avatar lighting
  • Set your lighting at 0 to become the darkness...


  • Unity package
    • Set up for physbones, ComboGestureExpressions, Poiyomi, and facetracking
  • Substance File
    • Including Long Nico, small Nico, fem chest, exploded, and closed eye versions in the same file. So you can edit your preferred version and see how it looks with the different shapes ^_^
  • PSDs
    • Exported from substance, with padding so you won't get seams in game
    • Opens in Krita also, which is free
  • Textures
  • Blender File
  • FBX


The public version of the avatar can be tried on in my vrchat avatar world, Furry Avatars by Alex the Cat. https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_5aeff5e7-e544-48c8-b28c-80d243257658

Join the Cat Creations discord server to see what other people are making and to get access to a channel where you can share edits of the avatar with other Nico the Floof avatar owners: https://discord.gg/Sw6xRUSECm


Nico is an aurifluff. I have some ideas for species lore but don't have anything written up yet to post. The general idea is that they are explorers on their world (and beyond their world too). If you join my discord you can see if I've posted some lore ideas yet, or contribute your own lore ideas <3 https://discord.gg/Sw6xRUSECm
If you'd rather have your Nico be a different species that's fine with me! I'd just like to help provide inspiration ^_^ Get creative with it!

Small Nico Stats

VRChat Performance: Medium

Download Size in VRChat: 14.68 MB

Texture Memory (VRAM): 73.33 MB

Polygons: 67,064 tris

Materials: 9

Skinned Mesh Renderers: 8

Physbone Components: 13

Physbone transform count: 101

Bones: 149

Constraints: 3

Long Nico Stats

VRChat Performance: Medium

Download Size in VRChat: 14.89 MB

Texture Memory (VRAM): 73.33 MB

Polygons: 69,992 tris

Materials: 9

Skinned Mesh Renderers: 8

Physbone Components: 13

Physbone transform count: 101

Bones: 169

Constraints: 3

Update 2.0:

  • Added Long Nico: a taller, slimmer version of Nico with more humanlike hands
  • Added Expressive Gesture Set V2 with ear movement
  • Added optional Hold Gestures for unsheathing and retracting claws, and activating sleep mode/headpat mode
  • Added 11 more ear style/pose options: Gesture Controlled, Mohawk, Shark, Horns, Streamlined, Cover Eyes, Folded, Fully Out, Helicopter Static, and Helicopter Animated
  • Changed armature so that it doesn't match the Deira armature hash for avali flight

Update 1.2:

  • Added GogoLoco with scaling! ( I included FX and gesture layers without GogoLoco if you prefer them)
  • Added Wing Scale slider for the wing near the hand, you can make it shorter so it doesn't bap other people so much (credit for the idea goes to Adamant Unicorn#7903 <3)
  • Changed armature so that scaling doesn't leave the ears in a weird position
  • Small fix: Adjusted scarf toggle animation so the hoodie strings behave more normally
  • Small fix: Assigned the third finger bones so that touch buttons in worlds will work as expected

Terms of Use

You may use this avatar only for personal use. You may not sell derivative work of this avatar. You may not upload this avatar to a person's account if they do not own the avatar. You may not redistribute the avatar or share the avatar with anyone.


  • You can upload your edit of this avatar as a public model on VRChat ONLY if you also own the commercial version of the Deira base by Mari. If you do so you must leave the credits cube visibly in the avatar.
  • If you and another person BOTH own Nico, you can do commission work on the avatar for them, sell them an edit or adopt you made of the avatar, or share avatar files with them. To do this you must both be in the Cat Creations discord server (https://discord.gg/Sw6xRUSECm) and have the verified role indicating that you own the avatar. You may also share edits of the avatar in the Nico the Floof Assets Sharing channel in the server.
  • This model can be used for commercial vtubing, such as: recording, livestreaming, events and promotional material.
  • You can sell paid content for this avatar such as clothing, attachments, and textures. Paid content going up on Gumroad or other stores is not allowed to contain the avatar files except for the rig to keep weight painting information.

You may not take parts from this model. If you want the parts, you must purchase them from their original creators. If you want to use my edits of those parts in making your own models, you must contact me on a case-by-case basis to ask for permission to use my edits, in addition to buying them from the original creators.

It is prohibited to use this avatar with AI (see Section 2 below for full legal details). Some examples: Don't use AI to texture the avatar. Don't take pictures of the avatar and put it into an AI. Just don't use AI anything with any part of the avatar in any way.

It is prohibited to use this avatar for the purpose of slandering a specific individual or group, or for political or religious activities. It is prohibited to use the avatar to promote any AI related program.

You may not use this avatar in hate speech or hate actions of any kind.

There are no restrictions on the use of R-18 and R-18G, but the creator will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use.

The creator is not responsible for any financial or mechanical problems caused by the use of this model. Please use it at your own risk.

The creator is not responsible for instructing you on how to use the avatar, or for teaching you how to upload the avatar.

Failure to adhere to terms of service may result in fines and legal action.

TOS Section 2: No Using 3D Avatar Models with AI

2.1 Under this agreement, you're not allowed to use any 3D model, like the 3D avatar model(s) we give you (called the "Avatar"), with any artificial intelligence (AI) program, software, or app.

2.2 To be clear, this rule means you can't use the Avatar for anything related to AI, like creating, changing, or mixing images, working with machine learning or neural networks, or any other AI-related methods.

2.3 You're not allowed to use the Avatar in any AI project, product, or service for any reason—personal, educational, or commercial. This is true no matter where the AI technology comes from or who made it.

2.4 If you find out that someone is using the Avatar with AI programs against these rules, you need to tell us in writing right away and do your best to stop them from doing it.

2.5 Breaking any part of this Section counts as breaking this TOS agreement in whole. If that happens, we can end the agreement without warning and take legal action, like asking a court to stop you from using the Avatar or demanding money for damages.

How to Import and Upload to VRChat

Download the VRChat Creator Companion from the VRChat website. If you don't have the correct version of Unity installed, the creator companion will direct you where to find and install it.

Use the VRChat Creator Companion to create a new avatar project.

Import Poiyomi 8.1.167 https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases/tag/V8.1.167

Import the Nico the Floof V2 + Long Nico Unity Package.

Open the "!OPEN THIS! Alex the Cat Avatars" folder in the Assets folder.

Open the "!OPEN THIS! Nico the Floof Avatar" Scene.

Upload the avatar using the VRChat SDK.

If you need more detailed instructions on how to upload the avatar, consult a youtube video on how to upload an avatar for vrchat using the creator companion. I will not answer questions on how to upload the avatar. You may also join my discord server and ask for support and people may choose to answer: https://discord.gg/Sw6xRUSECm


Is Nico the Floof compatible with Deira textures?

  • Nico the Floof is compatible with the textures for the paw version of the Deira by Mari. Long Nico is mostly compatible with small Nico and deira textures, but will need fixing for the hands. Textures made using the Nico the Floof V2 + Long Nico will work for both small and long Nico.

Does Nico the Floof have a female chest option?

  • Yes! The female chest is adjustable in game using a slider.

Does Nico the Floof have face tracking?

  • Yes. It has been tested using the VIVE facial tracker and the Quest Pro. (There is no eye tracking, just face tracking, but VRChat will automatically do the eye tracking for you now too, if applicable)

Is Nico the Floof quest compatible?

  • This avatar is not set up for quest. I might make a quest version in future, but there isn't one currently.

How do I verify my purchase?

  • Join my discord server and follow the instructions in #how-to-verify-avatar (https://discord.gg/Sw6xRUSECm). You will get a role and access to a channel to share things with other beans. Free stuff!


Thank you so much to everyone who helped me make and test this avatar, and who encouraged me to keep going. I love you all <3

Emmathyst worked with me on this avatar! Much thanks to her <3 She did some of the unity work and some of the weight painting and fixes.

TinyTurtles suggested the wing bone constraint setup that lets the wings deform smoothly around the elbows <3

AdamantUnicorn suggested the wing scaling slider idea and method, and found the armature solution so that the scaling worked correctly

Largen took all the pictures that aren't group photos <3.

The promo photos were taken in Reflect on Lite by ValeTheDream, Finnish Summer Cottage by n0p0x90, Soft Sea by Camille, and my world Furry Avatars by Alex the Cat (an edit of OutCasted by WispyWoo)

This avatar was inspired by the avali, rikkor, nanachi, and deira species. Thank you to the creators of these species and to all the awesome people who make avatars and art of such cute beans as these.

Parts Credits

Base: Deira VRChat Base by Mari (https://marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira) with edits by Alex the Cat

Long Nico Hands: Panda's Female Base by Pandaabear (https://pandaabear.gumroad.com/l/pAxQR)

Tail: Basic Kitsune Set by Pumpkin (pumpkinpatch.gumroad.com/l/doxllu) - retopologized, edited, and rerigged by Alex the Cat

Ear shells: ZinPia (https://zinpia.gumroad.com/l/3earset) with edits by Alex the Cat

Wings, Ear Feathers, Hair: goddess wing set by moonlight peach (moonlightpeachh.gumroad.com/l/gpovz) - Heavily edited and rerigged by Alex the Cat to use as the arm wings, ear feathers, and feather hair

Hoodie and Shorts: Shiyu (https://pandaoreos.gumroad.com/l/cwxiy)

Leg Warmers: Alex the Cat, using knit textures by Kallie5103 https://www.renderhub.com/kallie5103/fabric-vol-13-wool-knit

Scarf: Alex the Cat, using knit textures by Kallie5103 https://www.renderhub.com/kallie5103/fabric-vol-13-wool-knit

Unity Tool Credits

These are not included, but were used in the creation of the avatar:

Many of the toggles were generated by Av3Creator (https://rafacasari.gumroad.com/l/av3creator)

Pumkin's Avatar Tools (https://github.com/rurre/PumkinsAvatarTools)

Poiyomi Toon Shader (https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases)

Combo Gesture Expressions (https://github.com/hai-vr/combo-gesture-expressions-av3)

LyumaAv3Emulator (https://github.com/lyuma/Av3Emulator)

Controller Editor by Dreadrith (https://dreadrith.gumroad.com/l/CEditor)

OSCmooth https://github.com/regzo2/OSCmooth

Video Credits

Dancers: Keith V., Alex the Cat, Soren the 7th, Emmathyst, Tiny Turtles, Largen, Quinntastic, NinnyBenevolent, The White Crayon, Kagogi, Light Flicker, Akki, Masaki, Tessa, Unknown_user062, Arenia, Ezra, Hetarikia, and Adamant Unicorn

Videography: Soren the 7th and Alex the Cat

Video Editing: Alex the Cat

VRChat Worlds: Luminescent Ledge by Thorinair, Midnight Rooftop by ImLeXz, and my world Furry Avatars by Alex the Cat (an edit of OutCasted by WispyWoo)

Video Music:

Song: Elektronomia - Summersong 2018 [NCS Release]

Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds

Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Summersong

Watch: http://youtu.be/HoCw_gaCHXE

Song: 3rd Prototype - I'm Fine [NCS Release]

Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds

Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/ImFine

Watch: http://youtu.be/OX3xtVPRh8c

Song: NIVIRO - Flares [NCS Release
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Flares
Watch: http://youtu.be/V-mP3VU0DCg]

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You'll get:

Unity Package
Substance File
PSDs (Photoshop files, openable in Krita)
Blender Files
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